Characteristics of Infertile People: Causes and Physical Characteristics of a Sterile Woman

Characteristics of Infertile People - Infertility is a matter that is indeed very taboo to be discussed. This is because barren is something that can trigger the emergence of shame for some people, both men and women. Infertility causes married couples to get offspring difficult. However, knowing the characteristics of a barren person does not mean that there is no chance for the person to get offspring. All returned to the power of God. Apart from this, on the occasion this time will be discussed about what are the characteristics of barren people.

What is Infertility or Infertility?

Before reviewing more about the characteristics of barren people, it would be better if you know what is called infertility or infertility. Infertility is the inability of couples, men and women, to sexually obtain offspring.

Characteristics of Infertile People and their Causes

Characteristics of Infertile People: Causes and Physical Characteristics of a Sterile Woman
Not only women, men can also experience infertility. Generally, infertility in men can be caused by several things ranging from the size of the reproductive organs to premature ejaculation. As for women, the most common cause is the lack of fertility of the egg to other factors related to the health of the uterus. For more details, see the following review.

Causes of Infertile Men

There are at least 5 factors that are very influential on men at the risk of infertility they feel. These factors include the size of reproductive organs, prostate infection, ejaculatory disorders, diabetes, and hormonal disorders.

Reproduction Tool Size

Although it sounds trivial, the size of male reproductive organs has its own role in the sterility they suffer. This is because male reproductive organs play an important role in the process of sperm production. According to one study, the size of normal reproductive organs in adult men is 15cm to 20cm when erect.

Ejaculation Disorders

As we know, premature ejaculation is a scourge for every man. This is because men who experience premature ejaculation can certainly not be able to provide sexual satisfaction to their partners. Actually premature ejaculation occurs when the semen that must enter the bladder cannot be excreted optimally when the sperm comes out.

Occurrence of Prostate Infection

The next features of infertility in men are if the prostate infection occurs. For information, prostate infection or what is often called prostatitis is a disease that is mostly experienced by men who have aged. However, it certainly does not rule out the possibility that even young men can get prostate infections. Actually, early stage prostate infection will not cause infertility. But if it is not immediately treated, then the sufferer can certainly experience permanent sterility.

Hormonal Disorders

The cause of infertility for men is the subsequent hormonal disturbances in the reproductive organs. This results in reduced sperm production. The type of hormone that plays a role in sperm formation is the luteinizing hormone.


In addition to the above causes, diabetes is also able to trigger impotence for some men. Why? This is because severe diabetes will cause damage to sperm DNA so that it is unable to fertilize the egg.

Characteristics of a Barren Man

There are several physical characteristics for a man who experiences infertility. Are as follows:

Changes in Hair

As information, hair growth in the male body part is one of the characteristics that he has a good fertility. This can be seen from the amount of hair that grows on the face such as a beard, mustache, and so on. In addition, other body parts that characterize a man who is not infertile are the growth of hair on the chest.

For a man who has sterility, their hair generally falls out, even at a young age. However, this one feature does not apply to some men who have reproductive hormone disorders. Because reproductive hormones are not directly related to the hair growth hormone.

Loss of Desire to Have Sexual Relationship

The next characteristic of barren people is the reduction in sexual desire that is owned by a man. Instinctively, a man has high sexual desire. But for sterile men, they will lose the sexual instinct slowly. This is influenced by changes in the sexuality hormone that is owned by the man. If you experience this, then the only way you can do is go to the doctor to get a medical examination.

Too Much Fat in the Body

Having a fat and fatty body cannot be a valid reference whether or not a man is barren. But the fat in the body has the potential to reduce testosterone levels. This is also what will make sperm production lower.

Causes of Barren Women

After knowing some features of infertility in men, here are the causes of barren women that you should know. Are as follows:

Abnormal Endometriosis

The first cause of infertile women is abnormal levels of endometriosis in the body. For information, endometriosis is one of the hormones in the uterus. Abnormal endometriosis will cause implant tissue to grow outside the uterus and uterus. This is what causes sperm to not fertilize the egg.

Occurrence of Reproductive Organ Infection

The next cause is a woman's reproductive organs having an infection. Infection of the female sex organs will trigger changes in the level of acidity in the vagina. If the acidity is too high, then all incoming sperm will automatically die.

Early Menopause

As information, menopause is a condition when a woman's menstrual cycle stops. Usually new menopause will occur when a woman turns 40 years and over. If under this age and menstrual cycle stop, then you can be sure that you experience premature menopause. As for several causes of women experiencing premature menopause are smoking habits, consumption of liquor, to other unhealthy lifestyles.

Tumor and Uterine Cancer

When a woman suffers from tumor and uterine cancer, it is certain that they will have difficulty having children. This is because both the tumor and the uterine cancer make the female reproductive organs grow abnormally. In addition, uterine tumors and cancers will make it harder for sperm to fertilize the egg.

Characteristics of Physically Infertile Women

You have understood what causes infertility in women. For that, here are the characteristics of barren people, in women, which can be seen from the physical symptoms they experience. Are as follows:

Having Severe Menstruation

The first physical characteristic of a barren woman is the occurrence of heavy menstruation. This shows that not only menopause makes it difficult for women to get pregnant, but even heavy menstruation. The characteristics of heavy menstruation are a lot of blood coming out from the female reproductive organs. This condition makes the uterine wall thicker so that the egg cannot be fertilized by sperm.

Grows a Lot of Hair in the Body Part

Characteristics of a physically sterile woman is the second is the growth of many hairs on the female body parts. This is because normally, female hormones will make hair difficult to grow in addition to certain areas. But for women who are at risk of infertility, hair will usually grow on parts of the body such as the chest, beard, upper lip, stomach, and wrist.

Experiencing Hair Loss

The last characteristic of barren people is that women will experience severe hair loss. This is also what can be used as a reference for the characteristics of barren women before marriage. If generally normal women have fertile hair before they are 40 years old, women with a high risk of infertility will experience severe loss.

Characteristics of physically sterile women are caused by the growth of abnormal thyroid glands. In addition, the production of androgen hormones that are too high in women can trigger hair loss. Another type of disease that is fairly severe is autoimmune.

At least that are some of the characteristics of barren people you need to know. With a note, everyone, whether male or female, has different characteristics. This is influenced by hormone levels in each individual that is different from each other. Hopefully the reviews about the characteristics of barren people above are useful for you.

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