Tips for Increasing Platelet in a Day

Tips for Increasing Patelet - As we know, platelets are pieces of cells found in the bloodstream in the body. The function of platelets itself is to help stop bleeding if the body is injured. When the number of platelets in a person's body is lacking, the body will automatically be unable to provide initial relief from the wound. No wonder many people are looking for tips on increasing platelets quickly. The goal is of course that the body functions to run optimally. Therefore, on this occasion a complete review of platelets and tips for increasing platelets in a day with natural ingredients will be reviewed.

Facts About Platelets You Should Know

Before reviewing more about fruit to increase platelets, it's good if you understand the facts about platelets. That way, then you can choose the right step to overcome the problem of platelet deficiency in the body.

Normal Number / Level of Platelets in the Body

For information, blood is composed of 2 elements, namely blood cells and blood fluids (blood plasma). Blood cells are divided into 3: erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets (platelets or platelets). Platelets can be found in the spleen and blood. Platelet itself has no color and has a life cycle of just 10 days. When the body renews the joints, new platelets will be produced in the bone marrow section.

So what are the normal platelet counts or levels in the body? Generally, normal platelet levels in the blood are around 150,000 - 450,000 platelets / microliters.

Role in Blood Clotting

As explained above, the main function of platelets is to help the blood clotting process in the body. When a blood vessel is damaged, platelets will automatically move to the location of the wound and provide an initial blockage so that the wound will wrinkle. Therefore, someone who lacks platelets will be very difficult to cure even small wounds. This is the importance of knowing tips on increasing platelets.

What if the Platelet Level is Too High?

Many people think that the dangerous thing is when platelet levels are too low. Even if the platelets are high, the body will experience health problems. In medical language, excess platelets are called thrombocytemia. Thrombocytemia occurs when the platelet count in the body exceeds 500,000 platelets / microliter.

Symptoms that arise if the platelet levels are too high are sufferers often experience coconut pain, chest pain, fireflies, often numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, to often experience fainting.

Tips for Increasing Platelets in a Day

After knowing about platelets and the facts in them, now is the time to review tips on increasing platelets quickly. Some tips on increasing platelets in a day that will be reviewed below include foods that are very suitable to stimulate platelet production in the body. Are as follows:

Foods Containing Folic Acid and Vitamin B12

How to increase platelets in adults and children one of which is to eat foods that contain folic acid and vitamin B12. This is because both folic acid or vitamin B12 can help the body to produce platelets faster.

Examples of foods that contain a lot of folic acid are oranges, spinach and nuts. While examples of foods containing vitamin B12 include mutton, milk, cheese, eggs, chicken liver, and so on. In other words, it is strongly recommended that you lack platelets to make the above food samples as a daily menu for your health.


The next tip for increasing platelets is by consuming spinach. For information, spinach is a food that contains lots of vitamin K in it. Vitamin K is an important type of vitamin to stop bleeding when the body is injured. In this case, you can eat spinach every day as a food menu or can also be used as juice.

Foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids

One type of food that can stimulate high platelet levels is a spelling of foods with omega 3 fatty acids. Generally, omega 3 can be found in salmon. In addition, you can also consume flaxseed oil to increase platelet levels. Another function of foods containing omega 3 fatty acids is to increase the body's immune system.

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Consumption of sufficient mineral water

Tips for increasing platelets that also should not be underestimated are adequate intake of daily mineral water in the body. Why? This is because when the needs of mineral water in the body are sufficient, the body can produce platelets optimally. Therefore, make it a habit to drink 8 glasses of water a day. In addition to increasing platelets, water will also facilitate your digestion.

Fruit with Vitamin C Content

How to increase platelets in a day that proves to be very effective by eating fruits with vitamin C content. All of you already know that vitamin C is one of the substances needed by the body. Its role is very important starting from preventing poisons from entering the body, increasing the immune system, to helping produce platelets. Some fruits for raising platelets are oranges, mangoes, and so on.

At least that's a few brief reviews about platelet enhancing tips that should be tried. But if you find that the above method does not provide optimal effect, you can also buy platelet enhancing drugs in pharmacies such as pills or platelet enhancer milk. Thus reviews of tips on increasing platelets in adults and children in a day, may be useful.

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