Benefits of Mengkudu - Noni fruit or Mengkudu is fruit that very populer for Indonesian. Some people believe that Mengkudu can treat various diseases, such as colds, headaches, diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure, rheumatism, allergies, infections, inflammation, heart disease, psoriasis, HIV, and cancer. Based on the results of the initial research, consuming six - eight grams of noni fruit every day can help increase your stamina/energ.

What are the Benefits of Mengkudu for Health


Drinking fruit Noni juice is believed to increase stamina for activities. Drinking 4 ons fruit Noni juice every day for a month can help hiper-tensi. If you live a healthy lifestyle and drink noni juice every day, you can reduce the pain caused by arthritis to a minimum.

Reduce Pain

The research team in Germany studied the benefits of Mengkudu in reducing sensitivity to pain among test animals. Various studies have shown that noni juice can reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of gout.

Prevent Damage Due to Stroke

Drinking noni juice can help protect you from damage that a stroke can cause. As soon as blood flow to the body of the mice recovered, groups of mice that received noni juice showed less neurological damage than the control group.

Enhance Body Immunity

One more benefit of Mengkudu for health is by increasing the immune system. The scopoletin content that is present in Mengkudu has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and anti-histamine properties that enhance the body's defense mechanism.

The results showed that consuming 29 to 188 milliliters of noni juice could reduce total cholesterol in large quantities and increase levels of high density lipoproteins. Animal studies have shown promising results on the benefits of Mengkudu to control blood glucose levels.

Reduces Stress

The next benefit of Mengkudu is to help insure the negative effects of stress. Researchers at the University of West Indies conducted one such study and found that Mengkudu had blood sugar-lowering properties. Richards, Noni juice can help you deal with stress and reduce the impact of stress on brain cognitive functions.

Overcoming Irritation on the Scalp

Dr. Reema Arora, a dermatologist from Delhi, said that although not much medical literature has investigated the benefits of Mengkudu, health experts agree that this green fruit contains anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, and thus can help overcome scalp irritation.

Hopefully the review of the benefits of Mengkudu above is useful for you.


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