8 Physical Characteristics of Early Pregnancy that Must Be Known

Physical Characteristics of Early Pregnancy - A family will feel complete when it has its baby. The baby's cries and jokes can color the family's life. Especially for those of you who are married but are confused to know your wife is pregnant or not?
8 Physical Characteristics of Early Pregnancy that Must Be Known
Indeed, late menstruation can be an early sign if your wife is pregnant. But besides that, there are still many symptoms that you need to know to know the signs of the initial physical characteristics of your wife. There are several symptoms of early pregnancy physical characteristics that you need to know about:

Physical Characteristics of Early Pregnancy

Easy to experience fatigue

You need to be suspicious when your wife easily feels tired of doing household activities. The physical characteristics of the early first pregnancy can be seen by the husband when the wife is easily tired not as usual when doing daily activities at home. One of the factors that cause your wife to get tired is the increase in progesterone levels in the body coupled with an increase in heart rate that works extra faster than usual.
Your wife's body will experience changes in its metabolism. In this case, it is suggested that the husband be more active in giving attention to his wife and replacing all of his wife's daily affairs. It is highly recommended for pregnant women to get enough rest during pregnancy. This condition aims to maintain the health of the fetus to stay healthy until the birth process.


The next physical characteristic of pregnancy is nausea. This is the most common characteristic of every pregnant woman. However, you should be able to distinguish between nausea caused by sickness and vomiting which is a physical feature of early pregnancy.
Usually, nausea in pregnant women will often be seen every day; pregnant women will usually be nauseous at certain times, certain hours continuously on the following day. Nausea only lasts for a while and disappears. This is due to the increase in HCG hormones in the stomach which makes pregnant women suddenly feel nauseous.

Easy to experience dizziness

Usually, this happens together with fatigue. When the body of a pregnant woman has begun to feel tired, it will often be characterized by several symptoms such as:
  • The view that starts is unclear
  • The focus level decreases
  • The head feels heavy and is finally dizzy. Often the dizziness is followed by fainting for pregnant women who cannot control their dizziness. Dizziness itself is usually caused by a feeling of fatigue and decreased stamina that is not realized by pregnant women.

Increased Appetite

Wives who begin to have excessive levels of appetite are one of the earliest physical characteristics of pregnancy. At the beginning of the pregnancy, the body usually requires a lot of nutrients and energy. The nutritional content eaten by pregnant women is absorbed into the shape of the fetus in the womb. Thus, pregnant women will find it easier to feel hungry and tired.

Easy to sleep

The physical characteristic of the next pregnancy is that the wife looks very often asleep. This excessive drowsiness will cause your wife to have a complete rest during pregnancy often.
This is because pregnant women will often feel fat on their bodies accumulated due to pregnant women not being allowed to indulge in activities during pregnancy. From that, the agency will respond with drowsiness that often appears excessively to the mother, which is why the pregnant mother is easily tired.
Plus every movement of pregnant women will undoubtedly drain the energy that triggers drowsiness in the mother. The fetus will absorb nutrition in the body of the mother during its growth period. That's where pregnant women often feel excessive sleepiness.

Frequent urination

The initial physical characteristics of pregnancy for the wife can be seen when the wife begins to feel frequent urination in the duration of the time that is close together. The condition of frequent urination will reach a climax when it is pregnant at the age of 8 months of pregnancy.
This is because of the size of the baby that has started to enlarge so that the bladder in the uterus is always pressed down and causes the pregnant mother to feel often urinating. So for every pregnant woman, don't worry or wonder if you urinate more often.

Changes in Body Temperature in Pregnant Women

Changes in body temperature in pregnant women are caused by the success of the fertilization process of the egg in the womb. Pregnant women will not realize these temperature changes because changes in temperature will increase slowly. Increased body temperature is usually for pregnant women ranging from 0.3 to 0.5 degrees.

Stomach Pain Accompanied by Cramps

There are also signs of adolescent pregnancy in the abdomen, namely the appearance of pain in the belly of the prospective mother. Often for pregnant women to experience excessive stomach pain. This is a first physical characteristic of pregnancy that is caused by increased levels of acid in the stomach which makes the digestive tract problematic for the mother.
Abdominal pain that starts with cramping and the mother's lower abdomen will hurt. From cramps and abdominal pain is the beginning of a sign of the occurrence of pregnancy in his wife. The abdominal pain usually appears one week after you have finished having sex with your partner.

In addition to physical features, there are also early non-physical characteristics of pregnancy that you need to know about your wife such as:


Non-physical symptoms that we readily recognize are cravings. The wife will usually be active in choosing food early in pregnancy. The wife tends to prefer to consume sour or sweet foods that are a unique feature if your wife is pregnant.

Very Fast Emotion Change / Mood

The next non-physical characteristic of early pregnancy is that pregnant women are more easily faced with drastic changes in mood or emotions. This is natural because the body of pregnant women who adapt to the fetus will adjust. Not even a little is also a sign that this is one of the characteristics of pregnant people from the look on their faces.
This then triggers mood changes quickly during pregnancy. However, this condition will slowly disappear after the womb reaches 2-3 months.
Those are the 8 first physical characteristics of pregnancy and non-physical, which are of course very useful to use to make the wife's pregnancy know. Of course, the tips we recommend are a safe way to use. But it's best to understand in more detail the pregnancy sign that your wife can consult a doctor is highly recommended. Hopefully, the reviews on this occasion will be of use to you.

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