Natural Teeth Whitening for Confident Smiles
Teeth Whitening - Having
white and clean teeth is everyone's dream, of course, because it can foster
confidence when communicating with other people or just smiling at others.
Therefore, dental health is one of the most crucial things for everyone. This
is evidenced by the existence of a service for treatments to whiten teeth at
the dentist's clinic whose price is certainly diverse. Even now there are teeth
whitening drugs at the pharmacy.
For some people who have more funds
may not be a problem with the price, but it will be different from people who
have limited funds. Therefore for those of you who want to whiten teeth with an
affordable budget, you can try naturally, here are some natural teeth whitening
ingredients that can be the best solution.
Causes of Yellow Teeth
Before reviewing more about what
natural dental ingredients are, it's best to know about some of the causes of
yellow teeth. That way, you can prevent yellowing of your teeth. The causes of
yellow teeth are:
The habit of consuming alcoholic
beverages can also cause teeth to turn yellow. In addition, too much alcohol is
also not good for your body's health. So for those of you who are still
accustomed to consuming alcohol, you should leave these bad habits.
The next cause of the color of the yellow
teeth is coffee. Caffeine that is too high in coffee can make your teeth turn
yellow. Especially if it has become a habit of drinking coffee, can even make
black teeth.
Smoking Habit
The content of nicotine in cigarettes
can also cause your teeth to turn yellow. In addition, cigarettes consist of
substances that are harmful to the health of the body. Stopping smoking is
difficult for some people. But what's wrong with trying to stop smoking for a
healthy life, right?
Natural Teeth Whitening Material Proven Very Effective
After knowing about the causes of
yellow teeth, the next thing to know is the natural ingredients of teeth
whitening. There are many ways you can whiten teeth. You can come to the doctor
or buy teeth whitening drugs, but of course you have to pay a rather large fee.
Maybe it's good if you try to whiten teeth naturally. Which has been proven
effective and without side effects. Some natural teeth whitening ingredients
are as follows:
Wood Charcoal
How to whiten natural and permanent
teeth can be done with wood charcoal. Perhaps, many of you are astonished to
know that charcoal can be used to whiten teeth even though charcoal itself has
black color. This method is a traditional method which is often done by
previous people to remove the yellow color on the teeth.
Although wood charcoal can whiten
stubborn yellow teeth, but not just any you can use charcoal. This is because
excessive use of charcoal on teeth can damage e-mail and cause pain. Therefore,
just use charcoal.
The next natural ingredient for teeth
whitening is siwak. We can treat teeth with miswak or siak which is the root or
branch of a tree that can be used to clean teeth, mouth and gum. This has
become a habit for Muslims since ancient times. As we know, the prophet
Muhammad SWA used Siwak during his old days to clean his teeth.
To use this material you can use soft
siwak fibers from the siwak plant itself. The fibers that must be used to brush
your teeth. How to whiten teeth naturally and permanently can be used as a
solution to overcome your yellow teeth.
Almost everyone likes strawberries
because of the fresh taste they give. In addition, it turns out that this sour
fruit can be used to clean teeth. Not only strawberries can whiten teeth, but carrots,
apples and celery can also. Using this ingredient will not take a lot of time
because you do not have to make concoctions but simply by eating it or by
rubbing it on the surface of the teeth then rinse it with warm water.
Baking Soda
The natural ingredient for teeth
whitening is baking soda. This material is believed to be able to remove stains
on the teeth. Baking soda is one of the ingredients that can be useful for how
to whiten teeth naturally quickly. However, frequent use can also have a
negative impact on the tooth layer. Use a maximum of one or two times each
month. The way to whiten teeth with baking soda is by applying baking soda on
the surface of the teeth and then leave for 3-5 minutes. Then, gargle with warm
Those are some of the natural ways to
whiten teeth that you have to do. By utilizing the natural teeth whitening
ingredients above, you can smile confidently. Hopefully this review will be
useful for you.
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