Tips to Prevent Drunk Vehicles for Travelers that 100% effective
Tips to prevent motion sickness are of course you really need to learn
before taking your extended family to vacation at the end of the year.
Especially at the end of 2018. Indonesia already has a toll road that connects
the entire island of Java which is named Trans Java. With this Trans Java,
travelers can freely choose any city they want to go to as the end of 2018
vacation destination which is certainly without traffic jams. Well, so that the
trip becomes memorable and not just a hassle, you should note carefully the
effective tips to prevent the following motion sickness.
Tips for Preventing the Most Practical Drunk of a Vehicle
If you are reluctant to gamble with new ways that claim to prevent travel
sickness, there is a most practical way and is guaranteed to be 100% effective.
The way to avoid motion sickness forever is to take a hangover drug at least 1
hour before the trip takes place. The effects of drowsiness found on motion
sickness drugs are known to be very durable so that you will be free from
nausea when driving.
To take anti-motion medication, of course you must follow the rules of
use and consider the situation and condition of your body personally. Make sure
that this consumption does not harm you, such as if you are pregnant, or have
certain allergies to the content of chemicals in motion sickness drugs, or if
you are acting as a vehicle driver whose consciousness must be 100% awake. To
be safe, you can buy motion sickness drugs at the pharmacy so you can consult
Tips to Prevent More Innovative Vehicle Drunk
If you are minimizing the consumption of drugs, you can apply tips to
prevent vehicle sickness that are innovative and no less effective. Here are
things you can try before year-end recreation with your family.
Fill the Stomach
You have to eat and drink with enough portions before you travel.
Because, an empty stomach can trigger dizziness and nausea due to hunger. In
this case, there is no food that must be avoided so as not to travel sickness.
It's just that, make sure not to fill your stomach too much, because if you
overflow you can just vomit when the vehicle goes through a bumpy road.
As a tip, consume travel sickness prevention such as watermelon, melon,
papaya, apples, or other fruits that contain lots of water and are refreshing.
Then, bring carbonated drinks that have a high carbonation content so that the
wind in your stomach will be easier to get out. This will prevent bloating when
you drive. One example of soft drinks that are well used as drinks so as not to
travel sickness is Sprite.
Bring Wind Oil, Balm, or Aromatherapy Oil
In addition to Sprite, tips for preventing motion sickness are wind oil,
balm, and aromatherapy oil. How to use it is also very easy, namely by applying
it around the navel. The warmth of oil will relieve your nausea and create a
sense of comfort for the body. If you don't like the smell of wind oil and
balm, choose aromatherapy oil. The fragrant aroma will relax your mind so that
your body is more comfortable being invited to travel far.
Avoid Playing Gadgets and Reading Too Long
Sometimes, long trips that take a long time can indeed cause boredom and
boredom. However, you should not choose Novel as an object to spend time on the
trip. Because, reading small print in a rocking vehicle can cause dizziness and
nausea for the body. Likewise with playing gadget activities. Light that is too
bright from the gadget will make your eyes too focused so that dizziness can
suddenly appear.
After you apply tips to prevent motion sickness above, don't forget to
also read the prayer so you don't get motion sickness. By praying, God will
always protect you wherever and whenever it is, so you don't need to worry
anymore. In addition, if you routinely apply a healthy lifestyle, over time you
will definitely not get drunk every time you drive on a distant route. If you
can't stand the cold air conditioning, prepare a jacket or warm clothes when
driving to prevent nausea from coming.
So, hopefully the tips for not getting drunk on an ac bus or any vehicle
that can trigger the emergence of drunk vehicles that we share can be useful
for you. The way to get rid of dizziness after motion sickness that we wrote is
guaranteed to be effective and what you read in the article tips to prevent
motion sickness will definitely not be in vain. Finally, congratulations on the
end of 2018 holidays and happy new year 2019 for all travelers.
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