13 Benefits of Beets for Health and Its Side Effects

Not many people know what the benefits of beetroot are. Though many benefits can be felt when consuming this fruit. The benefits of beets cover almost all aspects of health. Therefore, it is important for you to know what are the benefits of this red fruit.

What is a Bit Fruit/Beetroot?

13 Benefits of Beets for Health and Its Side Effects
Before reviewing further about the benefits of beets, you must first understand what beetroots are. Beetroot has another name, red beetroot or red root. This fruit is included in the varieties of beta vulgaris.
The shape of the beet itself is a root, very similar to tubers. So it's not unusual if some people call it beetroot. Beetroot itself is often found in England and North America. In Indonesia, you can find several supermarkets that sell beetroot. Uniquely, before it was discovered the benefits of beets for health, this plant is often used as food coloring.

Nutrient Content in Bit Fruits

A study conducted by the University of Exeter's School of Sport and Health Sciences showed that consumption of beets could restore stamina to 16%. Even the nitrate content in beet fruit works very well in restoring oxygen reserves.
Then what are the substances in beets? From various sources, there are many substances in beetroot. Among these are vitamins A, B, C, iron, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and anti-oxidants.
In 100 grams of beetroot, there are at least a variety of nutrients below:
  • Glucose: 7.9 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 9.6 mg
  • Fiber / Fiber: 2.0 mg
  • Fat: 0.18 mg
  • Vitamin A: 2 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): 0.031 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): 0.027 mg
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): 0.331 mg
  • Vitamin B6: 0.067 mg
  • Vitamin C: 3.6 mg
  • Calcium: 16 mg
  • Magnesium: 23 mg
  • Iron: 0.7 mg
  • Sodium: 77 mg
  • Potassium: 305 mg
  • Folic Acid: 34 mg
  • Protein: 1.6 mg
  • Sugar: 7.96 g
  • Manganese: 0.3 mg
  • Phosphorus: 38 mg
  • Zinc: 0.35 mg
  • Pantothenic acid: 0.145 mg

Here Are the Benefits of Amazing Beets

After knowing the beetroot and nutrient content in it, now is the time to review the benefits of beets for health. Are as follows:

Benefits of Beets for Pregnant Women

For pregnant women, beetroot has tremendous benefits. The benefits of beetroot for pregnant women is to help improve the body's immune system. Besides, beet fruit can prevent osteoporosis during pregnancy.
As information, pregnant women have a high risk of osteoporosis. This is because pregnant women need more calcium than women in general. When pregnant, calcium intake in the body is divided into two, namely for the needs of pregnant women and for baby's bone formation.
Besides, pregnant women are also vulnerable to losing calcium through urine. At least pregnant women need as much as 1,000 mg of calcium per day. This is one of the benefits of beets for pregnant women that is very good.

Benefits of Beets for Babies

Beetroot also has benefits for babies. The content of folic acid in beets proved to be very good for the development of the baby's spinal cord. Besides, for the fetus, beets can prevent birth in a disabled condition.
Another benefit of beetroot for babies is to improve the baby's immune system. As we know, when a new baby is born, their immune system is still weak. There are many risks to the baby being attacked by viruses and bacteria that cause disease.
The benefits of the beetroot are to facilitate the baby's digestive tract, stabilize blood pressure, and optimize the intelligence of the baby. Those are the various benefits of beetroot for babies that parents must pay attention.

Benefits of Bits for Fertility

For fertility, it turns out beets also have quite good benefits, especially for women. This is because beetroot contains nitric oxide which functions to maintain blood circulation in the body.
Smooth circulation will make the condition of the uterus healthy. The womb has a vital role in women's fertility. Therefore, if you want to increase fertility, try consuming beetroot regularly.
Not only that, but beets are also useful for maintaining male fertility. The content of zinc, folic acid, and anti-oxidants in beet can stimulate male sperm formation.

Benefits of Beets for Cancer

As we know, the benefits of beets are often associated with the efficacy of curing cancer. This assumption is indeed not entirely wrong. Beetroot contains red betacyanin pigment which functions to protect the body from the development of cancer cells. Other than that,
Also, beets are also high in antioxidant levels. Its function is to reject harmful compounds such as free radicals in the body. Anti-oxidant substances are also perfect for reducing tissue damage.
So even though beets do not significantly cure cancer, their properties are very good at preventing the development of cancer cells.

Benefits of Beets for Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is indeed one of the most deadly diseases. Quoted from the Global Cancer Facts and Figures 3rd Edition (2015), breast cancer is ranked first in the type of cancer that causes death. The sequence is breast cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer.
So what are the benefits of beets for breast cancer? The content of potassium, phosphorus, and folic acid in beets serves to prevent the development of breast cells. The goal is that cancer cells do not develop massively.

Benefits of Bit Fruits for Beauty

In addition to some of the benefits above, beets can also be used to maintain your beauty. The benefits of beets for beauty are quite a lot. Among them are helping to moisturize the skin, overcome dandruff, keep healthy hair, and treat acne. This is because the content of vitamin C and carotenoids in beets is quite a lot.

Processing Beets to Moisturize the Skin and Treat Acne

For those of you who are interested in processing beets to moisturize the skin and treat acne, the method is quite easy:
  • First, take 2-3 bulbs of cooked beetroot.
  • Second, peel the skin and wash thoroughly.
  • Third, puree the beets.
  • The final step, use the mashed beets as a face mask.
  • Note: for acne sufferers, apply the beetroot to the zit.

Processing Beets for Hair Health and Eliminating Dandruff

As for those of you who want to take care of hair health and eliminate dandruff, follow these steps:
  • Take one bulb of beet that has been cleaned by the skin.
  • Blend the beets in the container.
  • Add 400 ml / 2 cups of water. Mix well.
  • Apply this mixture to your hair evenly. Also, massage the scalp so that dandruff is gone.
  • The last step, rinse using clean water.
This method is effective every two days before morning/evening bathing. With regular use, the content of carotenoids and vitamin C in beets will make your scalp and hair healthy.

Benefits of Beets for the Diet

Do you want to have an ideal body? Have you done various diet programs but have not succeeded? If so, then try using beets for the diet.
This is because beetroot has a very high fiber content. Its function is to help the digestive process to be more smooth. Besides, beets contain various minerals and vitamins which have a considerable role in the process of a healthy diet.
How do you go on a diet with bits? You only need to consume beetroot every day. The carbohydrate content in beets will make the body feel full faster. Besides, do a healthy lifestyle such as exercise so that the diet process runs quickly.

General Health Benefits of Beets

There are many benefits of beetroot for health in general. As explained above, beetroot has very diverse content. According to various studies, the content of beets can maintain a healthy body condition. Besides, beets also prove useful in preventing diseases that attack the body.
Intrigued by what are the benefits of beets for health? If so, here are the various benefits:

Reducing High Blood Pressure

Do you have high blood pressure? No need to worry because there are benefits of beetroot for high blood you should know.
A study at one of London's medical schools said that nitrate in beets could reduce high blood pressure. Besides, potassium and calcium in beets will help maintain healthy organs. That way, the blood circulation will be smooth.

Natural Diabetes Medication

The benefits of beetroot for health, which is then a natural remedy for diabetes. This is because beets contain enough fiber and fall into the category of low sugar fruit. Most importantly, beetroot contains nitrate which functions to improve cognitive systems for people with diabetes.

Prevent and Treat Anemia

Blood deficiency disease or more familiarly called anemia can indeed affect anyone. Generally, this disease can be handled by increasing iron intake from consumption foods.
The good news is that beetroot has a high iron content so that it can help prevent and treat anemia. To treat anemia, you can consume beet juice one time a day. Do this regularly until your body's condition improves.

Maintaining Heart Health

The benefits of beetroot, which in turn is maintaining heart health. The content of betacyanin in beets is proven to reduce inflammation caused by heart disease.
Although there are no valid studies related to the efficacy of beets for the heart, this fruit has been shown to reduce blood pressure. Decreasing blood pressure is one sign that beets are very good for heart health.

Maintaining the Health of Digestive Organs

As we know, fiber is one of the ingredients that are very good for the digestive system. This also applies to beets that have high fiber content.
Some studies say the content of beetroot fiber can cure digestive problems. Among these are difficulty defecating and constipation. For that, you have to eat beet regularly so that your digestive organs are healthy.

Side Effects of Bits to Watch Out for

You already know the various benefits of beets for health. Now it's time to review what are the side effects of beetroot consumption. Why? This is because even though it contains many important substances, beets can also have side effects under certain conditions.
The side effects of beet consumption that must be watched out for are as follows:


Ever heard of beeturia? This is a condition where the color of urine turns purplish red, like the color of a beetroot. For people who consume beets regularly, the color of urine can change to pink.
This is the most common side effect of beets. The good news is that this condition is not harmful to the health of the body. Generally, urine discoloration is only experienced by iron-deficient people.

Kidney Stones

According to the Harvard University health research journal, beets have a reasonably high oxalate content. Oxalate is what triggers the formation of kidney stones.
Although the most common cause of kidney stones is calcium, when minerals mix with other substances (such as oxalate), there is still a risk of forming kidney stones. Indeed, there have not been cases that say that beetroot consumption routinely causes kidney stones, but what's wrong with you is being more alert. Right, right?


This is a side effect of beets which is very rare. But in some people who have poor body function, various allergic reactions will appear. Among them are rashes, itching, and fever.

Stool Color Change

The next side effect of beetroot consumption is the color change in the stool. This condition is very similar to the change in urine color. In feces, discoloration occurs from yellow to reddish.
If you experience this condition, then you should immediately get a health check-up with your doctor. This is to find out more about stool discoloration. Is it caused by beets or other health problems?

Low Blood Pressure

As explained above, one of the benefits of beets is to reduce blood pressure. For people with hypertension or high blood pressure, this condition is very beneficial. Conversely, for people with low blood pressure, you should not consume this red fruit.

Uric Acid

Gout is a disease that arises due to excessive uric acid accumulation in the joints. Symptoms of gout vary. Like joint pain, a common reddish area, to fever.
According to research conducted by the University of Maryland Medical Center, beetroot can trigger gout. This is because for oxalate-containing bits that are not good for gout sufferers.

Dangerous for Liver Patients

Did you know that beetroot consumption is quite dangerous for liver patients? This is because beets contain "metals" such as iron, copper, phosphorus, and magnesium. If these substances accumulate in the body, it will be dangerous for the pancreas and liver. Therefore, it is recommended for liver patients not to consume this fruit.
That's a complete review of the benefits of beets and their side effects when consumed. In conclusion, beets are a type of tuber that has many benefits for health. But for some people, beets can have side effects to watch out.
Hopefully, the reviews on the benefits of beets on this occasion will be of use to you. Keep your health and enjoy your activities.



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